We have completed dozens of logo designs in Raleigh for companies spanning a myriad of industries and services and take time to understand your business and the message you want your logo to convey. Whether you’re a new business or have an existing logo, we’ll work with you to create a design that is both visually appealing and expressive of your business.
All posts by Jeff Lineberry
Bright Leaf Landscaping
Bright Leaf Landscaping in Durham, NC provides landscape design services with a focus on quality, integrity and client satisfaction. Jonathan Smith, ower of Bright Leaf, provides free consultations on-site with no obligation. Continue reading
Durham Sports Club
The Durham Sports Club, a group of local sports enthusiasts who gather twice a month to hear guest speakers from the world of sports, has launched their new Durham Sports Club Website. Past guest speakers include leaders from the world of sports including Mike Krzyzewski and Roy Williams Continue reading
Rome Fence Website
Family owned and operated, Kevin Rome of Rome Fence has been providing the triangle with “A Better Built Fence” since 1997. Kevin takes great pride in each and every new project and has been building fences since 1991. Rome Fence offers free consultations, corrosion resistant materials Continue reading
Domain Names 101
Purchasing a domain name is typically the first step, and an important one, in building your online presence. There are a few things you need to know prior to choosing your domain name that will help your company grow online. Continue reading
Welcome to the Lineberry Marketing Blog
Welcome to the Lineberry Marketing Blog. We’re a Raleigh, NC web design and search engine marketing firm providing affordable and effective marketing solutions for companies of all sizes. More specifically our web design services include sites developed with custom code or by customizing WordPress, e-commerce solutions, blog integration and contact forms. Continue reading